On 13 Feb 2019, at 22:41, Michael Nietzold wrote:

i like to make a submailbox for each week in year

- i create a submailbox
- i select a date

what i see:
- i can only select some parts of the Date

You mean you don't have a “Week” option?

what i expected:
- it should be a better "custom selector" for Submailbox unique value selector (just now i can only select an message field but not the modifiers

I don't think I understand that.

- i see an manual section for the modifiers available in the "Mailbox Name Format"

Yes, that would be nice. To some extent, you can derive it from the “Headers” popup. For example if “From ▸ Address” exists then so does `from.address`, but it's not always like this. So-called virtual headers are prefixed with `#` or `##`. One (primitive) way to see this is to create a mailbox condition and then look here:

        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Mailboxes.plist

- take a format string to format the date like "yyyy-ww" to get it formatted

I guess I could somehow make it possible to provide a `strftime`-style format string for dates. I'll give it some thought.

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