On 8 May 2019, at 13:56, Bill Cole wrote:

I did also answer the question. In short: it can't be done.

MM does not actively monitor the existence of message files.

But MM does appear to be internally storing a Msg ID value for each message which matches the *.eml file on disk, as these can be enabled as a column in View -> Columns and they appear to match the file name of the message (in the local file store) as identified by the AV scan. I have tried enabling “Message-Id”, “Message-data-Id”, “#Filepath”, “Filename”, “Filename#LC” as searchable fields in the Edit -> Find -> Mailbox Search “other” options, but none of these seem to be able to find messages by the Msg ID displayed by Mailmate or the the *.eml files on disk. Thanks though.

-- Michael Dunston
-- Recording and Production
-- School of Performing Arts Music | Theatre | Cinema
-- (540) 231-9942 <http://www.performingarts.vt.edu/dunston/>
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