On 28 May 2019, at 17:11, Chay Wesley wrote:

I've been using the method described here https://freron.lighthouseapp.com/projects/58672/tickets/1450-view-my-replies-in-threads to view my own sent messages in threads, and it works very well. However, the expanded threads don't follow the overall message list sort order. I'm one of those guys that keeps the message list sorted by date received with the newest messages at the top, but when I expand any of the threads, they are displayed with the oldest at the top with each newer message / branch lower in the list. Is there a way to get the expanded threads to also display messages from newest to oldest?

No, this is an inherent problem with the type of threading used in MailMate (strict threading). Changing the search order of threads won't be possible until after I've improved the threading system itself (which does appear to take me forever to do, but it really is on my list).

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