On 15 Jun 2019, at 8:10, leo wrote:

Good tip: `Add...` works for me too on both machines.

However `Add with Summary` has now stop working on both machines.” %-(

The two commands use two completely different methods of adding something to Todoist.

The main script can be seen [here](https://github.com/mailmate/todoist.mmbundle/blob/master/Support/bin/add) and depending on your experience with scripting and/or the Terminal window, you might be able to learn more about the issue.

The important part is probably how MailMate uses the Todoist URL scheme.

You can try these directly in the Terminal window to see what happens:

        open "todoist://addtask?content=test&date=today"
        open "todoist://addtask?content=test&note=testnote&date=today"

(There's a chance that it's completely broken with some update of Todoist --- in that case we need to find a new way to make it work.)

The difference between the two methods is that only one of them supports adding a note. That's a bit confusing in the script since it appears I'm trying to add a note in both cases. That might be the issue but I don't have Todoist installed to test this right now.

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