Whoops! My x>decades-old way of grabbing paths just broke recently, so I typed that by hand and left one level out — mine is in < ~/Library/Application Support/Mailmate/Resources/KeyBindings/ > as well.

But thank you for your quick response! 👍🏼


On 11 Nov 2019, at 10:55, Eric Sharakan wrote:

Hi Ted, my custom keybindings files are in ~/Library/Application Support/Mailmate/Resources/KeyBindings/.

Could that be it?


On 11 Nov 2019, at 1:00, Ted Byfield wrote:

Hi, all —

The custom keybindings I've been using for years to manage email stopped working, and I'm not sure why.

They're given in < ~/Library/Application Support/Mailmate/Resources/Special.plist >, in the correct format (which has been working for years — sample below), and Preferences > General > "Custom Key Bindings" is enabled and the text field reads "Gmail, Special" (without the quotes).

- - - - - - - - - - - - 8< SNIP! 8< - - - - - - - - - - - -

        "^a" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "/mailboxname" );      

- - - - - - - - - - - - 8< SNIP! 8< - - - - - - - - - - - -

I don't think I changed anything that would have caused this. This is Mailmate 1.13 [5655], running on MacOS 10.14.6 [18G103].

Any suggestions appreciated.

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