Hi all!

First, thanks Travis, Bill and Randall for your insight on how IMAP works. I think that would have been long and demanding to scan every email when syncing, so I'm glad this is not the case

Thanks Patrik for your workflow regarding your procedure to archive your emails, I'll keep this as well for when I need to move my emails out of MM.

As I said, at the moment I can live with the disk space + RAM + MailMate general performance while working with it since I don't find it that slow. I know it would be snappier while searching and doing operations, but I think I'll investigate a little more to see if I can find the cause of the high download bandwidth.

To give you more inputs, yesterday MailMate downloaded for 2.1gb of data. You can see a screenshot taken at the end of the day before I put my laptop to sleep [here](https://d.pr/i/XVsY6a)

Regarding the RAM (I think it's simply because of the number of emails, but if anyone find something that doesn't look right regarding the RAM or anything else, please let me know!);

- [Screenshot from Activity Monitor](https://d.pr/i/UEw5dy)

- From the "top" terminal command:

PID COMMAND %CPU TIME #TH #WQ #PORT MEM PURG CMPRS PGRP PPID STATE BOOSTS %CPU_ME %CPU_OTHRS UID FAULTS COW MSGSENT MSGRECV SYSBSD SYSMACH CSW PAGEINS IDLEW POWE 24238 MailMate 1.4 77:01.88 25 2 7071 1164M 2088K 736M 24238 1 sleeping *0[5479] 0.00236 0.00000 501 9284220 3535 10108349+ 2441046+ 66702119+ 38571993+ 31311669+ 294676 698677+ 1.6

- From the Instruments application:

Process ID Process Name Responsible Process User Name % CPU CPU Time # Threads Memory Kind Sudden Termination Sandbox Restricted App Nap Idle Wake Ups Disk Writes (B) Disk Reads (B) 24238 MailMate (24238) n/a GuillaumeBarrette 2.1% 77.11 min 26 1.13 GiB Intel (64 bit) No No No No 1,739,433 639.85 MiB 2.40 GiB

So, I'll keep investigating the bandwidth and see if I find a solution (or do you think I should fill a bug report?)

Thanks again everyone for your inputs, this is really appreciated!



On 10 May 2020, at 1:07, Patrik Fältström via mailmate wrote:

On 9 May 2020, at 16:45, Guillaume Barrette wrote:

So, I think my best way to reduce most of it would be to move a lot of my emails to a new submailbox that I will unsubscribe from MailMate. So my question, is this the only solution?

FWIW, your usage is MUCH smaller than mine. If I had only your situation, I would not start doing what you are doing... :-) :-) :-)

That said, your plan is exactly what I have implemented.

What I have is a virtual mailbox ("To Archive") which include all email that is older than one year, with sub mailboxes which is "one month per sub mailbox".

Then I move all mail which is in these "To Archive" sub mailboxes to mailboxes on this separate account which only have this older mail.

Two important things:

- The actual move, the archiving, is something I do manually

- I do *NOT* move mail that I have flags on, those stay

Implement as follows:

1. Create a virtual mailbox "The Mail" that includes all mail that is to be archived, for example the following mailboxes. No rules for this mailbox. This is btw the one you base all actions on (all other mailboxes) instead of "All Mail". For example "Unread", "Default mailbox for searches" etc.

1.1. Mail NOT in the archive itself (in that account)
1.2. Mail NOT in Draft
1.3. Mail NOT in Junk
1.4. Mail NOT in Deleted Messages

2. Create the mailbox "To Archive" with the following characteristics (2.2.3 is to not have data for the Apple Notes application be moved away):

2.1. Act on "The Mail" as the mailbox
2.2. Conditions, where all of the following are true:
2.2.1. "Date is not within 1 year"
2.2.2. "Message is not flagged"
2.2.3. "X-Uniform-Type-Identifier" is not com.apple.mail-note
2.3. For sub mailboxes set:
2.3.1. Have a sub mailbox for each unique value of Date->Month
2.3.2. Set name of sub mailbox to "${#date.month}"

Then you create one folder in your archive account which have the same name as the sub mailboxes within "To Archive", open the sub mailbox, select all, and just drag the mail over.

This 2nd account, with the archive you then do not have to for example add on your phone etc. And more importantly, as you act all Mailmate commands and virtual folders on the "The Mail" folder, the speed up with be "a lot".


P.S. FWIW, I get 12-13k messages a month, my MailMate process is 5-6G and I have a total of 2.8 million email messages by now...adding 12-15k per month.
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