On 23 May 2020, at 10:07, Tracy Valleau wrote:

Just curious, are you experiencing that from within a smart folder? I ask because I had a smartfolder that gathered the contents of several mailboxes (ie Spam, trash, junk and so on) and that would crash regularly on Command D. I reported that particular thing a year or so ago. The situation seemed to get better a few months ago, but I gave up on that particular technique, it was so crash-prone.

I pretty always exclusively read my messages from the default Unread smart mailbox shipped with MailMate, so I guess the answer is yes.

I've gone back and forth with Benny a few times, trying to track it down, so far to no avail. But even messages that do it one time, I cannot reproduce the issue with reliably a second time, so it's obviously a complex problem.

I hadn't yet really linked it to a smart folder specifically, but I s'pose it's not outside the realm of possibility. Seems like more people would be reporting it though, if that were the case...
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