On 26 Aug 2020, at 0:20, Antonio Leding wrote:

My core questions would be around performance (I have well over 150k messages across 12 email accounts), reliability, SpamSieve functionality, things you wish you’d known before migrating, etc.

I have a similar setup as the one you are envisioning and overall I'm quite happy. Speed is definitely not MM top quality but as long as you are not doing something completely unreasonable (which you could given all the nifty features) I'd say you should be ok running on any recent hardware.

As an FYI, I did check out the Mailmate Mailman archive but didn’t find a lot concerning migrating from Apple Mail…hence this message.

Personally I have simply switched. Defined my 12 or so account in MM (a bit of a pain) and waited for the magic of IMAP.

What do you have in mind ?

A. Takacs
Augicom SA
+41 (22) 301 16 00
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