Hi Andrew:

On 22 Nov 2020, at 23:51, Andrew Buc wrote:

On Nov 22, 2020, at 3:40 PM, Glenn Parker <glenn.par...@comcast.net> wrote:

Transferring old emails into an IMAP server may not not the best approach. You can still access any local folders via your AppleMail, or you might transition to a mail archiving utility for old messages, e.g. MailSteward.

I want to bring some of my legacy emails (mainly years- or decades-long correspondence with friends) into MailMate so I can use MailMate’s search functionality on them.

Everyone seems to be trying to second-guess your set-up. It's probably easiest if you tell us what your system is, and then we can advise you.

1. How much disk space does your current email library take up?

2. How much disk space do you have free?

3. How fast is your internet connection?

4. Are you happy to pay FastMail $54 a year to maintain a big email server?

5. Would you understand how to set up your own IMAP server? (The default answer to this is 'No'.)

Answer these, and it will be much easier for us to help you!

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