That may be the issue for me. I started using Apple Mail on my iPad a couple of months ago and just checked to see that the setting is set to "After one day". Oddly, my messages didn't start deleting until this past week, but I just set it to "Never". We shall see what happens.

treat their trash mailboxes (and messages marked as "Deleted" in regular mailboxes) as a short-term safeguard against accidental deletion rather than as a permanent archive of mail that isn't worth their effort to categorize.

This is actually what I do with my deleted messages at work. I have 4 years worth of correspondences in my deleted items. People are always so impressed by my Inbox Zero 😉

On Fri Nov 27, 2020 at 05:06 PM, Antonio Leding wrote:

Hello all,

I figured out my specific issue — i.e. mail in Trash > 7d old getting automatically removed. The culprit? Not the server but actually it was Apple Mail on the iPhone.

As many probably know, there is a setting to tell the app when, if ever, to remove messages from Trash. I always set this to “Never” but somehow, several of my accounts had this changed to “After 1 week”. Yes, it could have been me but I definitely doubt it. What I think is more likely is that during my migration from Mail on my Mac —> MM, the iCloud-stored settings for some of my mail accounts got set to defaults which then migrated over to my iPhone.

What surprised me is that the offensive (removing messages in Trash) occurred without me ever opening the Mail app on neither the PC nor the iPhone. I mistakenly presumed that if the apps are not launched, that activity such as this would not occur. Alas this is definitely not true - at least on the iPhone.

The cure? Of course just removing the accounts from the iPhone solves the problem but I opted for disabling all iPhone mail accounts + ensuring all empty Trash settings are set to “Never”.

If Randy is confident the messages being auto-deleted are definitely older than 2d, then unfortunately I doubt the same root cause is at play there. I say this because there is no “After 2 days” setting on the iPhone - the lowest setting is “After 1 day”. So perhaps it is worthwhile to double-check and confirm the age of the auto-deleted messages…

- - -

On 27 Nov 2020, at 13:44, Bill Cole wrote:

On 27 Nov 2020, at 11:11, Charlie Clark wrote:

This sounds suspiciously like Antonio's issue of e-mail being removed from trash after 7 days and, hence, a server setting. Probably because people never get around to emptying the trash.

I help manage mid-sized (SMB/SOHO outsourcing) mail systems and can attest to the fact that some people seem to never empty their trash mailboxes. For support purposes, if I could, I would would eagerly auto-expunge all of our users' trash mailboxes on an aggressive schedule (7 days seems good) if users would modify their behavior and thinking to treat their trash mailboxes (and messages marked as "Deleted" in regular mailboxes) as a short-term safeguard against accidental deletion rather than as a permanent archive of mail that isn't worth their effort to categorize.
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