Hey gang,

For reasons, I decided to add OpenPGP-based signing and encrypting to MailMate. Except, I know next to nothing about how to make that actually work.

I think I successfully installed gnupg with Homebrew, since the error messages I got in MailMate changed from "can't find gpg" to other stuff, but I'm still getting error messages when I try to encrypt-- and I still haven't worked out how one signs a new message without fully encrypting it.

I generated a public-private key pair using https://pgptools.com/ and I _think_ I imported their .ASC files into gpg, but again, I'm not clear if I did it properly.

All of this being a long-winded way of asking: does anyone have a gentle total-n00b's intro to getting this working? Command line is fine with me, if that's the best path. Also not wedded to the public/private key paid I generated online, since I've not shared the public key with anyone, so I'm happy to generate a new pair locally if that's recommended.

Eric A. Meyer - http://meyerweb.com/
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