On 5 Apr 2021, at 21:31, David Green wrote:

On 5 Apr 2021, at 13:52, ch wrote:

I've read a bunch of list posts about switching to MailMate and am somewhat prepared for the mental retraining I'll be facing. However, there is one way of working that I'm not prepared to give up: using separate mailbox windows.

I really, really dislike the one-window three-pane email standard - it drives me bonkers. I'm someone who likes to see everything at once. My office looks like chaos, but I know in which pile and how far down everything is because I can see it! :-)

You can have multiple windows. I think to get what you want, you would choose the three pane view, select the mailbox for this window, and then chose to hide the mailbox side panel.


That is the same as choosing two-pane view. You can open as many of those views as you wish to see the mailbox. Messages will open in their own windows.
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