I'm running MailMate version 1.13.1 (5676) on MacOS Mojave (10.14.6).

Normally I use MailMate only with my primary email account, but recently I added two of my "junk" email accounts, Hotmail and Yahoo. The problem involves Yahoo. When a message arrives in Yahoo's Inbox, I receive an audible notification that I don't want.

I do not have any counters set up for Yahoo, so there appears to be no way to prevent the audible beep by adjusting my counters preferences.

Further, and more surprisingly, I receive these notifications even after setting my synchronization preference for Yahoo to "Manually." Yes, although I believe I've set Yahoo email never to arrive unless I ask for it, I still receive mail -- and its audible alert -- when I haven't asked for it.

Can anyone help me deactivate notifications for the Yahoo email account without removing the account from MailMate?

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