On 2 Sep 2021, at 1:16, Christian Bailey via mailmate wrote:

> Fairly often when I “reply all” and the CC box is extended for
> multiple recipients, MailMate renders the Subject box on top of the CC
> box so that many of the emails there are illegible. Here is an example
> (black redaction added for privacy).
> I’m running 5820, the latest test build.

I wasn't aware of this and I'm not sure when this feature broke, but 
coincidentally I've recently completely re-implemented how the main windows do 
layout. They now (mostly) adopt so-called autolayout using constraints instead 
of my own layout code. Going forward, this should be more robust. 
Unfortunately, MailMate is in a bit of one step back state and I need to make a 
few steps forward before a useful replacement for r5820 is available. (The 
r5821/r5822 builds are unstable.)

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