On 7 Oct 2021, at 9:31, Robert Brenstein wrote:

> Right. The question is who does the escaping and whether it is specific to my 
> setup or it is a general problem.

That's a good question. I'm pretty sure it's a general problem, but I haven't 
tried myself yet. This is part of the string given to Todoist:


That is a URL encoded version of the string that MailMate would like to get 
into Todoist which is this:


This should, when it's decoded (by Apple Mail or MailMate) result in this 


So, why is the string given to Todoist double-encoded. Well, that's because 
it's given as a URL string itself in the `content` argument as (kind of) 
documented by Todoist [here](https://developer.todoist.com/guides/#views).

So, I don't *think* the Todoist bundle (MailMate) is to blame. But we needs 
things to work so if they insist then I'll have to look into a workaround.

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