Replying to my own message, it seems that I just needed to read the help a little more carefully. Sorry for the noise.

Anyway, I put the file in

/Users/jld/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/MmMessageTextView/display.plist

And now it is in effect. I changed this:

  foregroundColors = ( '#000000', '#0000FF', '#008000', '#808000' );

to this:

  foregroundColors = ( '#000000', '#000000', '#000000', '#000000' );

And now quoted text gets progressively lighter gray with each quote level. Not sure if there is a way to affect how much lighter each level get. The first level seems to be RGB 100-100-100 or about 47% grayscale, the second about 135-135-135 or about 60% grayscale.

If I can figure out how to make those a little darker, that would be nice.

On Thu 2021-10-21 12:22 PM MDT -0600, <> wrote:

Hi, pretty long-time and happy MailMate user here. I'd like to change the colors of quoted text in message bodies. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this with the normal UI.

I copied /Applications/ to ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/MmMessageTextView/display.plist and edited the copy but this had no effect.

My "Message View" prefs are Simple theme, do not apply HTML, and prefer plain text if that matters.

Could anyone give me a tip as to what file should be edited? Thanks very much.
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