
I agree, but it’s above my pay grade to decide that part. Frankly, I haven’t figured out correspondence and its worthiness yet. This is the first step toward understanding the hierarchy. Seems a big one and I have no idea what it was before in previous iterations. This part does makes sense only if its consistent. And its barely so at this stage, IMO.


Henry Seiden

Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 22 Feb 2022, at 20:41, Quinn Comendant wrote:

Hi Henry,

I can confirm setting the column and sort for a top-level folder is inherited by all subfolders. I'm not sure it if helped that ran `defaults delete -app MailMate MmMailboxRelatedStates` first.

The only place this doesn't work is when viewing Layout → Correspondence, where Date Received is always sorted oldest first, no matter how that column is sorted anywhere else. This feels like a bug, if the above is meant to be the new standard behavior.


On 22 Feb 2022, at 19:28, Henry Seiden wrote:

Hello All,

I made two interesting discoveries that seems undocumented in the Help Menus in this Build. It seems interesting that it isn’t mentioned, but it seems to hold true in all tabs affecting settings of sub-tabs within tabs of settings like columns adding or deleting them and setting the ordering parameter (E.G., sorting early to later or vice-versa). Also found a specific exception which you may also find interesting.

Case 1: You have or have created a folder like “Archive” (in my case I renamed it to All Archive 2022 for reasons unimportant but obvious). In that folder there are default columns or added columns. Within that group there are several Account folders with messages: 1. You add a new column to this top level folder. The change is reflected to all of the sub folders automagically. I can find no rules or setting methods to affect this change in the default settings, it just happens. The only exception I can find, is that the position of the column at the end of the list of columns by default may be respecified in the sub-columns or changed in any sub-folder to whatever you want independently from the main column or other sub-folders after the main folder changes. Kind of like a hierarchical ordering setting. 2. Likewise a setting to the top level folder in terms of date ordering - oldest to newest or vice-versa will affect all the sub-folders, except where the subfolder was previously set differently.

Case 2: Changes made to top level folders in other terms, in the View>Layout Menu MAY similarly affect sub-folders, but not the reverse. If Benny used the same logic, it may explain so of the random looking effects reported here.

I tried out Case 1. above for my own folders and found it works between all my top level and (each of) their sub-folders as described. Maybe whomever is documenting the help menu can confirm and document these changes along with the respective folder actions. Perhaps it would explain anomalies reported here on sorting and columns. I leave Case 2 to others to confirm.


Henry Seiden

Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: http://techworkspro.com
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