
Tried what you said quickly on my installation of MM 1.14 (5902), MacOS 12.4(21F79).

Seems to work OK for me going from a Safari page, in the Menu>File>Share>Email this Page. Also the shortcut in Safari Version 15.5 (17613., ⌘ I does the same thing.

In my case, as expected MM does default to the last used address in the From address and leaves the rest of the header info (To:, CC:, BCC:) open. I hadn’t had need of that in the past. Thanks for the tip, it works for me. Nice to know it.

FYI, while at it, tried the feature to show several headers by default and that built-in feature is great as well. Couldn’t get it to stay as a default selection previously. Now it does.

Might be nice to inspect all settings in MM in settings via a CLI command, if possible. Failing that, I would troubleshoot using the following in CLI settings (see info in the MailMate Help section):
1. Try resetting your MM version back to its default.
2. Restore the Compose settings only, if that’s possible.
3. Try a test user account on the same machine, a new install of MM which should result in a clean default settings and one account. 4. Before those radical steps maybe boot from another version OS, install MM fresh there to avoid changing what you have?
5. File a trouble ticket with further findings.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 29 Jun 2022, at 21:45, Randall Gellens wrote:

MailMate 58999 on MacOS 11.6.5.

Using the "share" function from Safari or Firerfox to send the current page via MailMate now drops all data. It used to create a draft message with the "Subject:" header field pre-filled with the page title and the body pre-filled with the URL. Now, it's all blank.

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