You can put comments in the KeyBindings files using `/* comment */`. Here’s the beginning of my keybinding file (I think originally based on some MailMate template I found) and it works fine:

         * |              Keybindings                 |
         * | Shortcut | Code    | Description         |
         * | -------- | ------- | ------------------- |
         * | a        | a       | -                   |
         * | ⌃ a      | ^a      | Control-a           |
         * | ⌥ a      | ~a      | Option-a            |
         * | ⇧ a      | A       | Shift-a             |
         * | ⌘ a      | @a      | Command-a           |
         * |          |         |                     |
         * | ⇧ F2     | $\UF705 | Shift-F2            |
         * | Num 2    | #2      | 2 on numeric keypad |
* →The $ should only be used to bind to the shift key (⇧) for ‘special keys’ (that don’t have a character equivalent) * →Note that the order of multiple modifiers is important. It must be in this order: #^~$@ * →A list of funcion, arrow, etc keycodes can be found at <>
* MailMate selectors: <>
* Some selectors taken from <>

"." = "toggleReadState:"; // toggle read/unread state (i.e. the “//Seen” flag)
        ","                    = ( "markAsRead:", "nextMessage:" );


=> Jolin
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