
Since you may be in plain text composing (by default), in line image entry is not allowed. Attached images are typically placed at the bottom of an email.

Look at your compose window for the plus sign to attach an image there or the attach button default setting at the top of your compose window.

See the Help menu>Introduction for details and a how-to suggestion (links to Markdown and composer preferences pane settings).

You can use markdown to allow in line HTML content if you prefer - inlining images or an entire message.

Personally, I find that inline images bloat a text message within the text portion and prefer a web link instead. Those are extremely convenient to inline!


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 16 Oct 2022, at 1:02, Dave Carpenter wrote:

I running v5918
- - -
In a composer window I place the cursor at my desired location and right-click, choose “Import Image”. Nothing happens.

Am I using this option correctly? Should I have done something first?

How to import an image?

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