
Trying the same in my version 5922.

Embedding in the body of an email does seem to show in my HTML version preview… How do you see it?
Mircea Cărtărescu.

I did it by turning on the international character set of Romania. Unfortunately, this is inconvenient. Don’t see any easy way around it. Non-slavic languages may be different. Copy/paste doesn’t work in my set up, even with Markdown enabled.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

On 24 Oct 2022, at 12:50, John Cooper wrote:

John Cooper wrote (at 10:57 PM on Saturday, October 22, 2022):

I subscribe to a newsletter that often includes proper names from non-English languages. When I use Mailmate to view a recent newsletter, I see the following:


When I view the raw message, I see this:


And when I view the same message in Apple Mail, I see this -- which is clearly what the writer intended me to see.


Is there some setting I can tweak to get MailMate to display these characters as intended?

The message in question contains the following line:

```Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1```

This seems as if it should be enough to prompt MailMate to display it correctly. The MailMate documentation says: "MailMate can handle almost any kind of character encoding when receiving emails. This includes numerous workarounds for wrongly encoded emails."

I'll submit this as a bug in the Issue Tracker. I'm using build 5918.

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