
Not sure if you meant how to get to the item within the mailboxes browse bar or how to customize those icon(s).

The first is available in the bar by holding down the CONTROL KEY (^) button+icon. You can expose the selection submenu, [see link]( and details apps you can use to select or edit a symbol.

Color selections work similarly in M-M with their submenu commands, [see link](

Simon Kaplan also has added to the original message related to downloading and further customizing the premade icons in Benny’s post.


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

On 26 Oct 2022, at 17:19, Simon Kaplan wrote:

In today’s release (5923) Benny says

| New: On macOS 11+, the Mailbox menu includes a “Symbol” menu to make it easy to change the mailbox symbol used.
| This is very similar to how colors are handled.
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