What I forgot to mention . . .

The mails will remain in SMB_1 unless you define that SMB_1 only should contain mails in your Inbox.

So as soon as you answered and archive the mail which you responded to, SMB_1 ( and subsequent SMB_2 ) will only show what you will have to handle.

We use this kind of Conditions on our Sources, so that they show only what we have to respond to ( of course you will need to archive ).

Since we also want to archive only the incoming mails ( and keep our respons in the Sent Messages ), we add following Rule on our Archive mailbox

All the following are true
        From >>Identity exists
Move to Mailbox Sent Messages

Hopes this helps


On 6 Dec 2022, at 17:56, Marc ARC wrote:

Hello Zvi,

You create a Smart Mailbox [SMB_1] and set in the Conditions Date is within X days.

I would recommend that you create a second [SMB_2] where you set the conditions as follows:

    Any of the following are true
        Thread-Id is in [SMB 1] Thread–Id
        References is in [SMB_1] Thred-Id

SMB_2 will then show all the mails/threads related to the mails which are SMB_1 ( ex also the possible reply )

Have fun !


On 6 Dec 2022, at 17:07, Zvi Biener wrote:

Hi All,

I’d like to create a smart mailbox that keeps track (more-or-less) of emails that I’m expecting a reply to, but have not received one.

To this end, I’d like to create a condition that picks out the last message of any threads in, say, 10 days. Does anyone know how to do this with mailbox conditions?

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