Hi Christian,
This is a weird one, Seems like so many different errors I’ve never seen. What version are you using and what version of OS? I’d refer this to Benny to troubleshoot.

Failing that because he is busy and all love our email (right?) maybe using a new user and a new Mac log in to start over my help isolate whether it’s an OS issue or an a user issue or the app’s settings.

You could try the above in reverse order for ease of use or from the listed order to “blow it out and start over”. But that’s just a basic suggestion, since I’ve never seen it and frankly, is not practical to try to duplicate what you’ve got.

Good luck!


Henry Seiden
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Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com
W: http://techworkspro.com

On 22 Dec 2022, at 15:14, Christian Bailey via mailmate wrote:

All my mailboxes, including Inboxes are now permanently treated as "Sent Items”. They all show a “To” column, which I’m unable to disable. “Revert to default columns” is greyed out.

I already tried quitting and running in Terminal:
defaults delete com.freron.MailMate MmMailboxRelatedStates

I tried deleting the Test release and rolling back to the Beta (r5918).

I had been seeing more and more problems with default columns not being honored (e.g., always reset in Smart Folders, always reset in search views). But now this latest issue has made MailMate totally unusable.

Since rolling back to the Beta, I’m also experiencing MailMate hanging for ~10seconds every time I compose a new message or reply to one.

Can anyone offer any suggestions?

Thank you!

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