On 7 Jan 2023, at 7:35, Robert M. Münch wrote:

I see this effect I think since I use 5933. I do exactly the same as in the past, but now is looks like files are somehow locked by MM. Checking the file attributes I see that the *Immutable* flag is set.

Is this a known problem? How to fix/workaround it?

I think “it’s a feature, not a bug”, as they say. I recall seeing a comment about this in release notes, and it made sense. The attachment files that MailMate creates in its local cache are read-only. One should *not* be editing those files.

Dragging the file (I didn’t even realize that worked) must be copying the cached file exactly, including the newly restrictive permissions.

To get a copy to work on, just click on the handy “download” button right next to the filename instead, which will make an editable copy.

Glenn P. Parker
mailmate mailing list

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