On 5 Feb 2023, at 12:36, John Cooper wrote:

I miss Eudora's powerful abilities too, but as Benny mentioned, they become more difficult both to implement and to use an an IMAP world.

Eudora used IMAP APPEND to upload the edited message to the mail store, and DELETE/EXPUNGE to get rid of the original. Eudora applied any IMAP flags or states to the new message to match the old (e.g., READ, REPLIED, FLAGGED). Yes, other clients saw the edited message as new, but with the same flags as the old, and since most people using the feature used it on their personal mail (as opposed to a multi-user shared mailbox), meaning they were the one who edited the message, I'm not aware of anyone who used it becoming confused by it. (Come to think of it, it would probably be even more useful in a multi-user shared mailbox case.)

Can you or Benny clarify "more difficult both to implement and to use in an IMAP world"? As someone who used the feature extensively in an IMAP world, I didn't see any problems.

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