On 5 Apr 2023, at 15:14, David Ledger wrote:

On 4/5/23 21:00, Andrew Buc wrote:
I strongly recommend against GoDaddy. Details this evening Pacific time--I'm coming up on the end of my lunch hour.

I too have concerns about GoDaddy.

I just keep domain registrations with them, nothing else.

For quite a few years I’ve had my own domain with email forwarding to my actual mailbox at fastmail.fm. I started out with the domain staxman.net, a tip of the hat to Stax Records of Memphis, the label of Otis Redding, Sam & Dave, Booker T. & the MGs, but that’s another discussion. I set up 2 email addresses with forwards, a dedicated address for job-hunting and a general address for everything else.

Ca. 2008 I read _Job Searching with Social Media For Dummies_ by Joshua Waldman. Waldman recommends incorporating your name into your personal domain and using that domain for your email email address, so I registered the andrewbuc.com domain with GoDaddy, again with 2 email addresses and forwards to fastmail.fm. I reached a point where I was no longer getting incoming mail at the staxman.net addresses, and I let the domain lapse this past February.

And then a friend called me saying his emails to me had started bouncing back. I called GoDaddy and didn’t like what I heard, to say the least. When they canceled the forwards from the staxman.net domain, they canceled the forwards from the andrewbuc.com domain also. Apparently they don’t offer email forwarding any more, and I had been able to keep my forwards because they’d been grandfathered. No, they couldn’t restore the forwards. If I’d known this would happen, I could have arranged a soft landing. I asked my correspondents to email me directly at my fastmail.fm address for the time being. I don’t think I lost any mission-critical incoming emails, knock wood. The lady at GoDaddy said I could set up a mailbox with GoDaddy, but I certainly wasn’t going to reward them for giving me the shaft!

Randy Singer, who’s the reigning expert at Groups.io Macsupportcentral, said that some years ago GoDaddy had tried to sell his domain out from under him.

There had been a discussion of domain registrars a couple of years ago on Macsupportcentral, and this was one of the ones recommended:


I called them, explained what had happened with GoDaddy, confirmed that they wouldn’t yank my email forwards out from under me, and moved my domain to them. A customer service rep was able to walk me thru the process of setting up the forwards in 5 minutes.

If anyone shares my passion for classic ‘60s soul music, the staxman.net domain is now available.

I related that at least GoDaddy didn’t give me a hard time about transferring the domain away, and Randy said, “When I tried to get away from GoDaddy they threw up a bunch of roadblocks, and each one sounded like they had made up rules on the spot.”

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