On 2023-09-01 at 14:44:21 UTC-0400 (Fri, 01 Sep 2023 12:44:21 -0600)
Steve Mayer via mailmate <mailmate@lists.freron.com>
is rumored to have said:

I’m currently using r5978 on Ventura 13.5.1. I’ve noticed something in the latest few test builds related to the status of the “Junk State” of the messages. No matter where or what the message is, Right Clicking on the message and choosing “Junk State” always shows the ‘Junk’ entry with the checkmark. I used to be able to choose Junk or Not Junk, but I seem unable to be able to modify this selection. Anyone else seeing this?

I’m also using the latest SpamSieve if that makes a difference.

I had not noticed it, but apparently in r5978 on Big Sur with a current Dovecot IMAP server MM thinks that both Junk and Not Junk are set on everything according to the menu items, but "Raw Flags" shows neither of them set and the filename on the server confirms that neither flag is set. Using the menu command to unset either flag does not work. Using the "Junk" button does move the message to the Junk mailbox, but there it has only the "Not Junk" keyword and again the menu cannot change the flags. \

And in testing this I crashed repeatedly, so I think something is very wrong in that general area...

Bill Cole
b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
(AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
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