
I can verify that r5980 is able to start up. Will let you know if there are any other issues seen.


Steve Mayer

On 6 Sep 2023, at 4:15, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 3 Sep 2023, at 15:34, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 3 Sep 2023, at 15:27, Eric Sharakan via mailmate wrote:

Hi Benny (and others), I'm currently running r5975 successfully. I've noticed a couple minor issues, which I've reported via the 'Send Feedback...' menu item. Benny, do you want us to report on issues we find on these experimental builds, or would it be better if we wait until you release an official test build before providing feedback?

Right now, it's better to wait if it's related to issues like crashes, wrong messages being shown, and similar. I've already changed a lot and I'm pretty deep down the internals of MailMate right now and behavior is very likely to change.

Any issues which persist with the next update will naturally have my interest.

There's a r5980 upload now. I don't think this will fix the issue Bill reported though. That one might be related to macOS 11 (and possibly earlier releases), but I don't know yet. I'll contact Bill off list.

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