
Apologies for delayed reply, I was overseas.

I asked the same question back in Feb 2021 and summarised to the list the following which might help you:

So I had useful suggestions from some readers and it was Bill who was spot on.

So the “Messages” alias IS ACTUALLY a symlink to Messages.noindex so if you want to move the Messages.noindex folder elsewhere (while MailMate is not running), you need to recreate that symlink. Creating an OSX style GUI alias won’t work - and MailMate crashes shortly after startup when it tries to access the mail store.

Here is the difference between the “Messages” apparent alias (which I had named Messages ORIG” and an OSX GUI created alias:

OSX $ ls -al Me*
lrwx------ 1 raza staff 16 24 Feb 19:47 Messages ORIG -> Messages.noindex
-rw-r--r--@ 1 raza staff 944 25 Feb 09:37 Messages.noindex alias

so the top link shows the “l” for symlink

So from within the original MailMate directory I created a new symlink to the copied mail store, and renamed the original Messages.noindex:

OSX $ ln -sf '/Volumes/SSD20201/MailMate/Messages.noindex' Messages

OSX $ ls -al
total 112
lrwxr-xr-x 1 raza staff 43 25 Feb 09:45 Messages -> /Volumes/SSD20201/MailMate/Messages.noindex lrwx------ 1 raza staff 16 24 Feb 19:47 Messages ORIG -> Messages.noindex
drwxrwxrwx 4 raza staff 128 16 Nov 14:03 Messages.noindex ORIG

Then I started up MailMate.

And sent this message. So it does all work.


This was for moving the whole of the message store because like you, I was running out of disk space. Though I chose to do it to a locally attached SSD rather than a NAS.


On 7 Nov 2023, at 14:49, Christian Bailey via mailmate wrote:

ln -hfs afp://[NAS]/data/MailMate/Messages ~/Library/Application
I tried it again from scratch and this time it worked. I think there may
have been a problem with how I changed the symlink the first time.

I also see that now Options-General-Messages Folder-Custom location has updated to reflect the symlink. This is unexpected. Normally a user would
expect to be able to change the symlink by changing that setting.

My message store had file mix-ups in this whole process so I'm starting with a new one. I know I can use the “Message ▸ Reset...” menu item after selecting all emails in each folder. Is there a way to do this for a whole
Account without deleting and re-adding it?

On Tue, Nov 7, 2023 at 6:22 AM Christian Bailey via mailmate 'mailmate at' <> wrote:

I tried moving the target directory (com.freron.MailMate) to the NAS and changing the link, but now MailMate crashes when run. I tried moving the target directory to a USB drive and changed the link to point to that.
MailMate crashes when run.

I got MailMate to run again by deleting the symbolic link, but all but
newly received messages have their content missing. I could refetch
messages using the “Message ▸ Reset...” menu item, but want to move the
directory where they are stored first.

I've tried multiple times changing the folder in Options-General-Messages
Folder-Custom location. However, that always reverts after restarting

On Mon, Nov 6, 2023 at 2:02 PM Christian Bailey via mailmate 'mailmate at' <> wrote:

On a MacMini, the SSD is full, mostly due to mailmate mailboxes.

I tried moving them by changing the folder in Options-General-Messages
Folder-Custom location. However, no files were moved.

I see the mail is actually kept in: ~/com.freron.MailMate/Messages
With a symlink from: ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Messages

Can I just move the first folder to the NAS and then change the symlink
ln -hfs afp://[NAS]/data/MailMate/Messages ~/Library/Application


I thought this would be a common issue and searched first, but didn’t
find anything.

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