There's no need to move messages for this coloring feature to work. IIRC, all you need to do is create smart mailboxes containing the conditions you want for coloring the messages. Then, use the Mailbox->Color submenu to choose a color for that mailbox, and also select "Use Color in Message List". Your chosen color will be applied not only to the messages in your smart mailbox, but also to the original messages, wherever they reside.


On 8 Nov 2023, at 13:02, Pierre Igot wrote:


With the elimination in recent versions of MailMate of support for the “hidden” feature for colouring messages in the inbox message list using a file called Styles.plist, I have been told by Benny that I need to use smart mailboxes to apply colours to messages in a combined message list.

My problem is that I can only see doing this in a practical fashion by using rules to automatically move incoming messages to specific (coloured) mailboxes and then by using a smart mailbox to combine the contents of these various coloured mailboxes into a single message list, with each message retaining the colour of its parent mailbox.

HOWEVER, this only works if my rules for moving incoming messages to specific mailboxes works reliably for all messages. But I am finding that it doesn’t work reliably. Sometimes incoming messages stay in the inbox even though they do meet the criteria of the rule that is supposed to move them.

My impression is that this might be because the move action only works when messages actually “arrive” in the inbox, and I am assuming that this “arriving” state is not always detected because incoming messages might arrive in my inbox during a time when MailMate is NOT checking for new mail and one of my other devices (iPad, iPhone) IS checking for new mail, so that the arrival of these messages is not detected by MailMate. (I can “force” MailMate to move these missed messages to their destination by manually moving them to another box and then back to the inbox, but obviously I cannot keep doing this every time MM misses one.)

Is that really what’s going on? Or is there another reason why sometimes incoming messages are NOT moved to their respective mailboxes even though they do meet the criteria of the rule that is supposed to move them?

If my theory is correct, how can I ensure that incoming messages are ALWAYS moved from the inbox to their destination mailbox reliably, regardless of whether they “arrive” first on my iPhone or iPad before showing up in MailMate on my Mac?

Apologies if I am misunderstanding something obvious.


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