On 19 Nov 2023, at 16:59, Eric Sharakan via mailmate wrote:

Could it be that your composer is just not showing the preview pane?

Ooooh, yes, that’s what it was!

Very embarrassing! I should have realised it myself…

Go to MM's preferences, and under the composer tab, make sure "Preview: display" is to either "when generating HTML" or "always".

That was (and is) set to always.

So HTML preview must have been accidentally switched off.

In any case now it works!


Then when you forward (or reply to) an HTML email, you should see the preview attached to the compose window. There's an icon on the toolbar to enable and disable the preview.



On 18 Nov 2023, at 22:41, leo wrote:

Hi all

I have received an (HTML) email which renders fine in MailMate, but when I want to forward it I get only the following in the forwarding draft:

From: ...
To: ...
Subject: ... Date: 17 Nov 2023 22:23:17 +1100

Please use HTML browser, cannot display in HTML.

Any idea how I can forward the content of that message as is (i.e. as HTML)?

Thanks for any pointers?

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