On 23 Jun 2024, at 19:07, Paul Atlan wrote:

In some cases, if I wait a minute it will finish whatever task is ongoing and un-hang, but most of the time I’ll have to restart mail mate.

While MailMate is hanging, you can create a sample using Activity Monitor or by using a Terminal command like this:

        sample MailMate 5 > ~/Desktop/mailmate_sample.txt

Also, try the latest test release (r6047) to make sure it's not related to a fixed issue: https://updates.mailmate-app.com/archives/

Is there a way:
- to identifiy wich actions create the hang-up , so I can maybe mitigate them

Only low-level and this might not be easy to decipher. You can launch MailMate from a Terminal window like this:

        defaults write com.freron.MailMate TimersEnabled -bool YES

It might provide a hint, but it's mainly a debug tool for me to some times learn more about where something is slow. You are welcome to send results to me directly.

- alternatively to edit the rules “off-line” as it where and then apply them?

Well, you can change the “input” (the settings in the Mailboxes pane of the mailbox editor) to an empty or small mailbox. Alternatively, if most of the setup is based on All Messages or Inbox then go these folders and add some condition which makes the sets smaller.

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