
What version are you using?

If you are using reply (⌘ “R”) and getting no joy seeing the OP (original post) in your reply message, you might want to check your MM General Settings. Have you changed any from their default positions? Lastly, it may well be your user saved settings in your current version are messed up. Without a more detailed usage history, it’s difficult to determine. The settings are carefully defined in the full User Manual and also in the Help Menu.

FYI, on my install the OP (or a portion thereof if chosen) is quoted at the bottom of every new reply.

There is an option to select only the selected/highlighted portion, if chosen. Otherwise the full message is quoted. I have not had any problems with this feature.

Maybe another way to test this is save out your settings (the .plists mentioned in the Help section quoted below) to a separate folder temporarily and let a default set be generated to confirm which settings affected this feature. The info below is from the MM Help Menu, “How to transfer Settings to another computer.” Also useful for that.

In this case you will be removing the old versions and letting MM rebuild them to default settings. Be sure you quit MM before moving these files. If you don’t see the expected results, try the next one. Then replace both the originals in the same places, after again shutting down MM. You should be restored to the way MM worked previously.

Again, I would try moving these out, one file at a time and let it be rebuilt by MM restarting in this order, then the next:
* /Users/<username>/Library/Preferences/com.freron.MailMate.plist
* /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/MailMate/*.plist
* The remaining two - Bundles and Resources are not likely to be a problem.

Good Luck and happy hunting!


Henry Seiden
- -
Techworks Pro Co.
E: info<at>techworkspro<dot>com

From Help menu… How to transfer MailMate Settings to another computer

To copy your settings to another computer you need these files (depending on what you have customized):

/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/MailMate/*.plist
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Bundles/
Note that the last file also contains most of what you have changed in MailMate preferences or have changed using the defaults command. You can only copy this file before launching MailMate on the destination machine. Otherwise, you might have problems with the file being overwritten by an older version cached by the system.

On 17 Jul 2024, at 19:53, Devyn Osborne wrote:

Hi All,

Is it possible to reply to an email and (quickly) include the original attachment (ie, from the email to which you are replying)? Apple Mail has this functionality and is one I miss.

I searched the archives and found this question asked in 2018, with no easy solution, but perhaps the functionality has been implemented since and I’m just missing it.


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