> On Sep 15, 2015, at 11:33 AM, Steve Freegard <steve.freeg...@fsl.com> wrote:
> On 15/09/15 18:24, Al Iverson via mailop.org wrote:
>> Is this truly having an immediate negative impact operationally? It
>> seems like this could be feedback you could give them directly,
>> offlist, without having to share it with the rest of us.
> Very funny.   Feedback to where?  Their 1st line support wouldn't have a clue 
> what to do with that.
> I'm sure that plenty of us check RFC validity (e.g. there shouldn't be more 
> than one Message-Id header), so it's pretty pertinent information.
> I'm sure it's causing them issues with deliverability because of it.

Large senders, like Microsoft, have extensive pages discussing where and how to 
report mail issues and problems to them. There is a defacto standard of putting 
up Postmaster webpages that talk about issues with both internal and external 
mail. Often these are separate departments and while it can be a little work to 
read the postmaster pages, they’ll usually direct you towards the appropriate 
people for reporting issues. I keep a somewhat updated list of postmaster pages 
and contacts on the Word to the Wise website at 
https://wordtothewise.com/ISP-information/. But at a lot of places you can just 
use postmaster.example.com where example is the mailing domain you’re looking 

Just spewing the messages to a public list isn’t really going to accomplish 
much. You’re hoping someone at the correct ISP will take pity on you and 
escalate the issue internally, while bothering hundreds of people who can do 
nothing to help you.

Microsoft is a challenge because they have at least 2 (3?) different commercial 
mail systems in addition to their corporate system. My experience is that the 
folks who are here for Microsoft are extremely responsive to issues that are in 
their area of responsibility but they only handle a small part of one of the 
multiple mail systems Microsoft has. Given the recent tenor of the list, it’s 
likely no one is going to respond the way you’d like them to. 

If they’re having actual deliverability issues, it’s likely that a single 
report from a non-customer isn’t going to be noticed or acted on. If, however, 
customer mail isn’t being delivered then the customers will address this with 
Microsoft. My experience is that invalid messageIDs isn’t a big deal and many 
large mailers violate the RFCs when it comes to messageIDs and mail still gets 
delivered well and to the inbox. 


Having an Email Crisis?  800 823-9674 

Laura Atkins
Word to the Wise
(650) 437-0741          

Email Delivery Blog: http://wordtothewise.com/blog      

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