> On 25 Sep 2015, at 01:01, Michael Peddemors <mich...@linuxmagic.com> wrote:
> On 15-09-24 04:49 PM, Hal Murray wrote:
>> How many of the bulk mail senders would cooperate?  Would they be willing to
>> switch all their customers to real opt-in?
> Called 'confirmed double opt-in', and I think everyone wishes they would :)  
> Also very interesting studies on conversion rates for confirmed double opt-in 
> vs single opt-in.
> And amazing how many people still like to sign up other ppls' email addresses 
> ( like fake ordering pizzas ) as a lark..

I’ve run community events where we’ve gathered several dozen email addresses, 
on paper forms, for the explicit purpose of contacting those people later. I 
tried adding them to a mailing list, that week, with confirmed opt-in, and 
about 10% of people responded to the email asking them to confirm the opt in. 

So, I abandoned that approach, and signed them up to a email list (Google 
Groups), without confirmation. I got no complaints.

So, while confirmed double opt-in is essential for online signups, I don’t 
think it’s essential or even desirable for face to face sign-ups. The problem 
is that it’s really hard for a mailing list system to tell the difference.

Ian Eiloart
Postmaster, University of Sussex
+44 (0) 1273 87-3148

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