The above does some good job in classifying emails

See how they convert bounces into classes:

On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 2:02 PM, Karen Balle <> wrote:

> As Brandon points out, it's not that simple.
> Some nice examples from one customer's bounce logs today -
> "552 Transaction <uid>@<> failed, remote said "550 No such
> user" (#5.1.1)"  Obviously, we don't want to resend to this address again,
> but...  is it a 552 (mailbox exceeded allocation), a 550 (mailbox
> unavailable doesn't necessary mean no such user) or a 5.1.1 (bad
> destination address).  A 552 shouldn't match with a x.1.1.  They're two
> different bounce reasons that are mutually exclusive, but we see stuff like
> this all the time.  If it's a 552, then we could retry this address again
> later because the mailbox is full.  Most likely it's a 5.1.1 and the
> address is completely invalid so we suppress it.
> Then there are the "554 Invalid mailbox: <uid>@<domain2>.com" and the "554
> rejecting banned content" bounces.  554 is a valid response for an invalid
> mailbox although 550 and 553 are more common there.  Going strictly by 554,
> you would think retrying would be fine because it's transaction-specific,
> but not suppressing the first will get you blocked whereas the second
> should be retried once you've resolved the root cause.  "550 mailbox
> unavailable" sometimes means the address is invalid and other times means
> you aren't allowed to access the mailbox due to technical or reputation
> issues.  The mailbox is either completely unavailable or the mailbox is
> only unavailable to you or the mailbox can't be internally accessed. Or the
> "550 5.7.1 <>... Relaying denied" which may mean that the
> mail is being forwarded and the forward is failing or that you are not
> allowed to access this mailbox at this time except for when it means that
> the address is invalid.  Is "550 5.1.1 unknown or illegal alias" an invalid
> address or is it a directory failure?  (This ISP passes a 4.4.3 for
> directory failures, but many others don't or can't because of system
> architecture limitations.)
> On Fri, Dec 18, 2015 at 11:40 AM, Brandon Long <> wrote:
>> 4xx vs 5xx is only part of the story.  We're talking about whether the
>> next message will succeed.
>> Sure, a 4xx response probably mostly means go ahead and try the next
>> message, but a 5xx doesn't mean that no messages will be accepted for this
>> account, just this one wasn't accepted.
>> And agreed, some of the extended status codes can be interpreted in this
>> way fairly easily, but others...
>> Brandon
>> On Dec 18, 2015 7:35 AM, "Ian Eiloart" <> wrote:
>>> > On 18 Dec 2015, at 01:55, Karen Balle <> wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Brandon,
>>> >
>>> > I really like this idea, even as a mental exercise.  There would be a
>>> lot of usefulness in being able to clearly dictate from the enhanced codes
>>> when our MTAs should stop, back off, or go into an extended timeout.
>>> Well, that should be pretty clear from the 4xx vs 5xx status. If it’s
>>> 4xx, you should queue the message for later delivery, otherwise generate a
>>> bounce. I guess if the recipient wants to indicate that you should reduce
>>> your sending rate, that’s something that needs a new status, but you could
>>> use "4.3.1   Mail system full", or "X.4.5   Mail system congestion" because
>>> the sensible response would be to back off.
>>> >  Perhaps something like having the enhanced code be tied to the
>>> primary reason for an organization not accepting email would be useful?  I
>>> can't see where we could (or should) come up with a system where every
>>> reason an email isn't being accepted is communicated in a single NDR.
>>> Filters are getting horribly complicated and there are often multiple
>>> reasons why a sender's mail isn't being accepted.
>>> > From an ESP perspective, being able to tell a customer that Gmail
>>> clearly said in a bounce 1) It's you, not them.
>>> There are plenty of codes that say this. All of these are errors that
>>> could be fixed by the sender (not their MTA)
>>> X.1.1   Bad destination mailbox address
>>> X.1.2   Bad destination system address
>>> X.1.3   Bad destination mailbox address syntax
>>> X.1.6   Destination mailbox has moved, No forwarding address
>>> X.1.7   Bad sender's mailbox address syntax
>>> X.1.8   Bad sender's system address
>>> X.2.3   Message length exceeds administrative limit [per mailbox]
>>> X.3.4   Message too big for system
>>> X.5.3   Too many recipients
>>> > 2) Your content/domain rep/IP rep is horrible.
>>>  X.7.1   Delivery not authorized, message refused
>>>           The sender is not authorized to send to the destination.
>>> But, there’s plenty of scope for extension here: with three digits
>>> available for . Perhaps it’s time to look at extending the set of enhanced
>>> error codes available. A 20th anniversary celebration!
>>>   RFC 1893  Mail System Status Codes  January 1996
>>>   RFC 3463 Enhanced Mail System Status Codes January 2003
>>> > 3) and you should feel bad
>>> X.7.10 Go directly to Jail, do not pass GO! ;^)
>>> There’s a registry, and a review might be a good idea.
>>> > would cut through a lot of the pushback we get now.
>>> > I could see a lot of use for anyone with a shared IP infrastructure,
>>> as well.  If most of the DSNs from shared IP space came back with an
>>> enhanced code pointing to IP reputation but a handful of customers have
>>> more specific content or sender-related codes, it gives us amazing insight
>>> into the troublemakers trying to hide on the shared IPs.  How much benefit
>>> do you think most mailbox providers would get if ESPs were able to more
>>> reliably adapt around having that extra certainty in our decision-making
>>> process?
>>> >
>>> > Couple of ideas for it
>>> > Mailbox specific -  invalid account, recently closed account, mailbox
>>> full, recipient-configured rejection rules
>>> > ISP specific - server/network saturation (which we should treat with a
>>> full stop on traffic from all our senders rather than an extended retry for
>>> a single sender with traffic shaping relating to reputation), LDAP failure,
>>> server farm under attack by backhoe or glowing molerats
>>> > IP specific - traffic shaping for excessive volume for current
>>> reputation (very handy for the holidays and ramp ups), blocked for
>>> complaints, blocked for excessive invalid users/spamtraps, blocked for
>>> phishing/malware, traffic spread across too many IPs, snowshoe, your
>>> provider sucks, get off my lawn
>>> > Sender specific - could be broken down for domain, subdomain, or
>>> localpart combinations if we're feeling really ambitious but that could be
>>> providing too much feedback that could be abused.  Marketing vs
>>> transactional is often split this way, though.  Helpful for customers using
>>> their mailbox provider's domain.  Would allow ESPs to set rules to stop
>>> mailing for specific senders immediately and definitely ties in with
>>> compliance standards.
>>> > Authentication and configuration failures - DMARC, no rDNS, missing A
>>> or MX records (I had a fight with a customer this week about setting those
>>> up)
>>> > Content specific - Again, could be easily abused but there are some
>>> ways it could be helpful.  Redirector who doesn't handle their spam,
>>> linking to commonly phished sites, bad landing page rep (possibly
>>> malicious), Normally good sender who included third party content on a send.
>>> >
>>> > Karen
>>> >
>>> > On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 11:35 PM, Brandon Long <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > We have automated systems, especially for Google groups, which are
>>> basically doing the same thing, and it's a pain.
>>> >
>>> > I agree that the SMTP status code is mostly useless from this
>>> prospective, and the extended ones aren't much better.
>>> >
>>> > It might be nice if there was a concept of whether a failure is
>>> message specific, sender specific, etc... But anything like that would be
>>> gamed both for antispam and for spammers.
>>> >
>>> > Still, may be worth a thought experiment, a replacement for the
>>> extended status codes or even a bcp about how they should be used.
>>> >
>>> > On Dec 16, 2015 6:03 PM, "Karen Balle" <> wrote:
>>> > Since there's been a lot of drift on this topic and I'm not talking
>>> about IPv6, DNSSEC, or delivery to Gmail....
>>> >
>>> > For NDRs and DSNs to be truly useful to an ESP, we tend to break them
>>> down into more buckets than two.
>>> >
>>> > Hard bounce/invalid (do not retry, generally a 5xx)
>>> > Soft bounce (temporary and related to a specific email address,
>>> generally a 4xx, try again later during the current send, Yahoo uses 4xx
>>> where we would expect a 5xx such as with some of the traffic shaping
>>> deferrals)
>>> > Technical (DNS failures and the like, try again later, generally 5xx
>>> but depends on the reason)
>>> > Spam or block (stop for this send, try this recipient on future sends,
>>> mix of 5xx and 4xx)
>>> > Unknown (parser doesn't have an appropriate string, manual review and
>>> update of systems required)
>>> >
>>> > The primary challenge from a technical perspective is making sure that
>>> any changes in friendly language in an NDR or DSN is updated on the bounce
>>> parser.  We do tend to MOSTLY ignore 5xx and 4xx, but that is more a
>>> function of how those are used by mailbox providers.  The desired end
>>> result is that we send all email in a manner that is acceptable to each
>>> mailbox provider based on their (technical and personal) feedback and
>>> desired rate limits.  Extended codes are useful, when you know how a
>>> provider applies them, but again, there is such variation in the how codes
>>> are applied and when that it's all but impossible for someone not steeped
>>> in the intricacies of RFCs to interpret them properly.
>>> >
>>> > Not all customers have access to people who spend a lot of time going
>>> over bounces and making them actionable.  A lot of our job as an ESP is
>>> taking the technical and making it understandable to someone who doesn't
>>> have the training and background on RFCs and "proper" technical jargon.
>>> I've spent the last 18 years or so going over NDRs and DSNs and some still
>>> throw me.  Filters are also increasingly more complex and we see the same
>>> bounce used for multiple purposes, so cross-referencing which bounces
>>> happen where is becoming more important to understanding the root issue for
>>> a customer.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Cheers,
>>> > Karen
>>> >
>>> > On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 9:06 AM, Ian Eiloart <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > I wonder why they don’t use the terminology from the RFCs: "reject",
>>> "defer", "non-delivery notification", "delay notification"?
>>> >
>>> > As it is, when you say "Hardbounce", I don’t know whether you’re
>>> referring to an SMTP 5yz reply (a rejection) by the receiving MTA or an rfc
>>> 3461 "failed" DSN sent to the sender to alert them to the problem.
>>> >
>>> > Similarly, I don’t know whether "softbounces" means an rfc5321
>>> temporary failure reply , or an rfc 3461 "delayed" DSN. Neither of which
>>> mean quite what you said, since the intention is that the sending MTA will
>>> retry for a period. The sending MTA can’t use other means. If the original
>>> sender tries again, then the recipient will get duplicate messages when the
>>> fault is resolved.
>>> >
>>> > If the ESP is good, the the sender will have access to a support team,
>>> so all faults should be actionable.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > > On 11 Dec 2015, at 11:59, David Hofstee <> wrote:
>>> > >
>>> > > That’s why, in ESP parlance, there are two sorts of bounces, to keep
>>> it simple:
>>> > > -          Hardbounces: The recipient address does not work. Contact
>>> through other means.
>>> > > -          Softbounces: This email did not arrive. Try again later
>>> or contact through other means. If this keeps happening  the address
>>> effectively does not work.
>>> > >
>>> > > What else is there to do? The sender might be curious to what the
>>> reason is (if the bounce is even telling you that) but it does not change
>>> the outcome or the call to action. The only things that are actionable for
>>> a sender, in a message, is when the content gets unacceptable (spam, too
>>> big).
>>> > >
>>> > > We have about 30 categories to explain what type of error occurred
>>> (available on request).
>>> > >
>>> > > Met vriendelijke groet,
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > David Hofstee
>>> > > Deliverability Management
>>> > > MailPlus B.V. Netherlands (ESP)
>>> > >
>>> > > Van: mailop [] Namens Brandon Long
>>> > > Verzonden: donderdag 10 december 2015 22:23
>>> > > Aan: Dave Warren
>>> > > CC: mailop
>>> > > Onderwerp: Re: [mailop] Delivery to gmail via IPv6
>>> > >
>>> > > I was just discussing this issue with our support folks, and we're
>>> looking at improving ours for this reason.  We also see a remarkable number
>>> of our NDRs marked as spam, especially by those whose primary language
>>> isn't English.
>>> > >
>>> > > We'll definitely still include the technical information, but it'll
>>> be further down.
>>> > >
>>> > > And we'll do our best with handling the remote server's error
>>> messages, but ugh.  It's too bad that the extended status codes are still
>>> so generic... though, as our tech writer and ux folks pointed out, really,
>>> all the user cares about is "did I do something wrong? Is there something
>>> else I can do?"
>>> > >
>>> > > Brandon
>>> > >
>>> > > On Thu, Dec 10, 2015 at 12:18 PM, Dave Warren <>
>>> wrote:
>>> > > And unfortunately the friendlier they are, the less useful they
>>> usually are.
>>> > >
>>> > > The ugly ones are the only ones that are useful, but for whatever
>>> reason, it's beyond MTA developers to start with friendly messages with a
>>> "Troubleshooting information below" that contains a useful transcript.
>>> > >
>>> > > As a techie, I appreciate the info, but the reality is that unless
>>> you expect the sender to take some action, transient error messages aren't
>>> usually useful. We've scaled back the transient failures that we send, at
>>> most you get a single transient and single permanent error, and even still,
>>> I question the value of the transient error since the user can't actually
>>> do anything (and nor does forwarding it to support@ help). Of course,
>>> we also allow users to view the SMTP queue for all messages involving their
>>> account for those who care, so that might skew my viewpoint.
>>> > >
>>> > > I'm not a fan of the current trend of using permanent error codes in
>>> SMTP for what might well be transient errors (DNS problems, for example),
>>> but at the same time, as a sender, I don't see any value in retrying more
>>> than 24 hours.
>>> > >
>>> > > It's tough to balance user expectations though.
>>> > >
>>> > > --
>>> > > Dave Warren
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > > On 2015-12-10 10:43, Franck Martin wrote:
>>> > > It also has to do with people not understanding DSN. Seriously they
>>> are ugly and hard to find the relevant information in them...
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > >
>>> > >
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>>> > --
>>> > Ian Eiloart
>>> > Postmaster, University of Sussex
>>> > +44 (0) 1273 87-3148
>>> >
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>>> > mailop mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Love is strong yet delicate.
>>> > It can be broken.
>>> > To truly love is to understand this.
>>> > To be in love is to respect this.
>>> > ~ Stephen Packer ~
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>>> >
>>> > --
>>> > Love is strong yet delicate.
>>> > It can be broken.
>>> > To truly love is to understand this.
>>> > To be in love is to respect this.
>>> > ~ Stephen Packer ~
>>> >
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>>> > mailop mailing list
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Ian Eiloart
>>> Postmaster, University of Sussex
>>> +44 (0) 1273 87-3148
> --
> Love is strong yet delicate.
> It can be broken.
> To truly love is to understand this.
> To be in love is to respect this.
> ~ Stephen Packer ~
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