On Thu, Feb 25, 2016 at 11:25:57AM -0800, Franck Martin via mailop wrote:
> Please you have an opportunity to engage and get things fixed, so don't
> throw a ton of bricks on the first email.

I didn't throw *any* bricks.  I gave a candid assessment of the situation.

And while it would be nice to have an opportunity to get things fixed,
the ongoing traffic arriving in numerous spamtraps strongly indicates
that -- so far -- zero effort has been made in that direction by anyone
at 163.com et.al.  If they're actually sincere about putting a stop
to the massive abuse (and abuse support) that's been going on there
for many years, that'd be great.  But they'll have to prove it, and until
they do, it would be unwise to take their (or anyone else's) word for it.


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