> * They like having a mail server that costs them $0/year for the last 8
> years, so they don't want to pay $200/mo to switch to Exchange online.

How much is their non-delivery problem costing them?  Be sure to include
lost-time as well as charges that show up on a bill

> I guess one of those things is going to have to 'give'.  I'd like it to be
> "Microsoft making it extremely difficult to get delisted once a virus has
> been cleaned up", but that's a pipe dream. 

An alternative thing to "give" would be getting infected and sending out spam.

Is the spam going direct or through their mail server.  If direct, some 
firewall rules might block that.  If through the mail server, some volume 
limits might catch it sooner.

In a way, I'm thankful that Microsoft is making it difficult to get delisted. 
 It makes people think about the cost-shifting they are doing.  They probably 
aren't thinking of it as cost-shifting, but at least they are becoming more 
aware of the problem.

These are my opinions.  I hate spam.

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