On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 08:33:16AM -0700, Steve Atkins wrote:
> Best practices for that email would be:
>   2. Not including a direct link to the portal, rely on the customers having 
> bookmarked it or being able to find it easily from your main site
>   3. Sending the mail From: your main corporate domain, or *maybe* a 
> subdomain thereof. Definitely not a third-party domain or a "lookalike" 
> domain.
>   6. If the information is of particularly high value, look at what the more 
> competent end of banks and other financial institutions do to add trust

Both Chase bank (jpmchase) and Barclays bank send me emails with direct links
in them, from a bigfootinteractive mailserver. Does that violate these
three suggestions?

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