On 5/25/16 8:36 AM, Vick Khera wrote:

I did a spot check of a recent attack. The email address
was jabradb...@kanawhascales.com <mailto:jabradb...@kanawhascales.com>
and it got signed up to 12 lists during May 17 and 18. Amazingly,
whoever is on the other end of that address clicked to confirm every one
of those confirmation messages. All confirmation clicks appear to come
from a netblock owned by Barracuda Networks... Hmm...

Maybe Barracuda spam filtering is doing something like opening remote content to inspect it before forwarding it to the inbox.

What was the latency between when the confirmations were sent and when they were "clicked"?

Jay Hennigan - CCIE #7880 - Network Engineering - j...@impulse.net
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