> On Jun 9, 2016, at 9:11 AM, John Levine <jo...@taugh.com> wrote:
>> It's a public document and I welcome requests with updates...
>> https://github.com/Lockhead/oneclick/blob/master/draft-herkula-oneclick.txt
> Hmmn.  One the one hand, I'm definitely in favor of making it as easy
> as possible for people to make the mail go away.
> On the other hand, this particular proposal is a horrible misuse of
> both http GET and of the list-unsubscribe header.  The http specs are
> quite clear that GET is not supposed to change the state on the web
> server.  For that you use POST or PUT.  It is also a bad idea to try
> to redefine the List-Unsubscribe header which has meant the same thing
> for 18 years.
> Fortunately, this is not hard to fix.  Let's invent a new header,
> list-unsubscribe-post, which one can use in conjunction with
> list-unsubscribe, e.g.
> List-Unsubcribe: <https://www.spammersr.us/unsub/2908duskejs>
> List-Unsubscribe-Post: mailaddr=some...@receipient.de&key=0209023
> This says to do a POST to the URL in the list-unsubscribe, with the
> fields in the list-unsubscribe-post as the data to the POST.  MUAs
> that don't understand the new field can still do a GET to the URL
> which will do whatever it does, probably show you a page with a
> confirmation button that does a POST.
> This should be easy to implement, since I've never seen an http
> library that could do GET that can't also do POST, and this avoids
> both the semantic problem of GET, and the unintended unsubs by
> filterware that poke all the URLs just to see what will happen.


(recycling my comments from the last time this was suggested, in a different 

List-Unsubscribe: is poorly defined (at least for http links) yet widely 
supported. mailto: links are for non-interactive use, http: links are (almost 
always) for interactive use. Any attempt to change that risks causing problems 
with a deployed base - it's not a versioned nor extensible protocol. Extending 
the behaviour with hidden magic doesn't seem like a clean solution to the 
problem, even if the magic "shouldn't" cause any problems with existing code[1].

If there is a requirement from MUA developers for an https-based 
non-interactive unsubscribe - and researching whether that's the case and what 
their actual requirements are would be the first step - then I'm sure the IETF 
would be open to a standard to include that metadata in an email, outside the 
RFC 2369 set of headers.

A new RFC, or an extension of RFC 2369 to add a new List-Something header would 
make the whole idea cleaner and more robust than imposing structure on the 
existing List-Unsubscribe process, and wouldn't have much significant impact on 
rollout (as it doesn't change significantly the amount of new code needing to 
be deployed at both ends of the protocol to support it).

That also opens up the option of implementing what MUA developers and list 
operators can agree on as a useful protocol rather than a single feature wedged 
into an existing one. As I'm not a list operator or an MUA developer I don't 
have particular things I'd want there, but I can imagine "send me no more mail 
like this / remove me from this list", "send me no more mail at all / suppress 
me from all lists" and maybe even "send me less mail like this"[2] as some 


[1] Assuming that ad-hoc clients will strip off URL fragments or that servers 
will ignore them if they don't is reasonable in a spec sense, but may be 
optimistic when it comes to deployed code.

[2] I like the idea of an MUA with a "meh" button that asks list senders to 
send less meh mail, or unsubscribe me if they can't manage that.

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