On Sat, 19 Nov 2016 08:33:27 -0800, Carl Byington said:

> Of the 220 sites identified above, 218 of them manage to see the icmpv6
> packet and respond by resending with a packet that makes it thru the
> tunnel. I suspect that packets from at least one of those 218 sites goes
> thru many of the same systems as the packets from login.yahoo.com.

> https://www.mega.nz and https://www.1fichier.com seem to have the same
> icmpv6 filtering issue.

OK, you're *almost* done.  Now take the sites that failed, and traceroute -6
to them, and then to several sites that work (just as a control).

What router(s) do the 3 failing sites (yahoo, mega, and lfichier) have in
common, which are *not* in the path to a site that works?

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