On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 10:52 AM, Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. <
amitch...@isipp.com> wrote:

> Wow...we have received *so* many requests from senders who are lurking on
> this list (and in fact have never posted, at least in the several years'
> worth of archives that we have).
> So, a couple of things:
> 1.  It's interesting to note how many senders are lurking here, many of
> whom even I have never heard.
> 2.  Trusted Reporters is a list for those in the email receiving and
> anti-abuse industries.  If the senders here want their own list we're happy
> to create and admin it.  TR is a list for those reporting spam they are
> seeing come in, not for those monitoring to see if they are being
> identified as spamming*.

Just so I understand this... You are suggesting a list, for people to post
spam samples they received, but don't care to have actual senders of
marketing mail, or their overlords (ESPs) on the list to try and remediate
the problems people are reporting.  So the purpose of the list is just for
people to complain about spam they get but not get anything done about it?
Or maybe for various mail admins to tell other mail admins who the bad guys
are to watch out for?  Sorry,  Just trying to clarify to understand
intended purpose.

Most of the posts I've seen in Mailop and before on Zorch (and like 100
other lists) were along the lines of "I just got spam from X, anyone know
if they are good or bad?"  Most of the time the answer was,  "ya sure,  bob
from X is on the list"

> *ESPs are in their own category, because they are hosts, they are not
> doing the sending on their own behalf.  When I say 'senders', I'm not
> talking about ESPs.
I think most  ESPs would disagree.  We tend to refer to ourselves as
"senders" (heck, the name of the committee at M3AAWG that is full of ESPs
is called the "Senders Committee"), since we managed a LOT of the folks
sending marketing mail out there.

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