On Fri, 05 May 2017 14:50:54 -0700, Brandon Long via mailop said:

> In reality, ESPs exist along a spectrum, both in their ability to keep
> spammers out and their desire to.  And "spammers" also exist along a
> spectrum, from folks clearly knowing they are doing it to folks who don't
> to entities who have controls in place but occasionally fail.  And entities
> can also be compromised and used by spammers.

The word "egregious" was used.  That pretty much rules out entities that
have controls in place, and most cases of compromised entities.

"Egregious" does cover folks who clearly know they are doing it.

And in 2017, if you're somebody who doesn't know if they're spamming, there's
only two options: (a) You are a spammer in denial or (b) You need to get a
lot more clue *now* or get out of the business.

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