On 08/05/2017 03:00, John Cenile wrote:

How does that make any sense? Why should our reputation be affected because this customer won't dispose of the message properly and just marks it as Junk to get rid of it?

Remember that Hotmail is huge (and free) so it's not possible for someone to check each time a message gets marked as junk, so what else is supposed to happen?

How are other people dealing with issues like this?

We occasionally get obviously legitimate mail being marked as spam by Hotmail users. It doesn't cause a problem because the amount of mail we send which isn't marked as spam is much higher than the amount which is. We're not exactly a huge sender - eg on a typical day our server may send 300-400 messages. Maybe 2 or 3 a month get marked as spam, so Microsoft JMRP tells us of those (in case it's a symptom of a bigger problem) but it doesn't seem to affect the server reputation.

Microsoft seem to expect a small amount of false reports, they don't just block the mail server because it's had a single message marked as spam.

If your recipients are consistently marking the messages as junk then either (a) stop sending messages to them, or (b) perform a bit of re-education.

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