Can you share a sample of email (with headers) as received by Yahoo?


2017-10-17 20:16 GMT+08:00 Emanuel <>:

> Hello,
> I work for a email marketing firm from Argentina. I have a problem to add
> the domains of the company at the FBL reports from Yahoo.
> I never received spam reports, it's a problem that I've tried to solve for
> more than two years and since Yahoo support I do not have clear answers.
> Here the support response:
> ####
> Hi Emanuel,
> Thanks for spending the time to reach out to us again.
> Usually, when complaints are made but no CFL reports are sent, it's either
> because the reporting address is incorrect, or the DK selector chosen
> doesn't match what the DKIM records are on the domain. Also, keep in mind
> that single messages marked as spam as a way to test are not guaranteed to
> generate reports. What's more, emails automatically filtered to the Bulk or
> Spam folder can’t be reported as spam. When a message is filtered by Yahoo
> SpamGuard, the recipient would need to check their spam folder to see the
> email. Automatically filtered messages have met certain criteria to be
> considered spam by our algorithms.
> Please let us know if you continue to experience the same issue.
> If you have any further inquiries, questions, or have trouble with any of
> the process, feel free to email us and we will be happy to assist you.
> Thanks,
> Claire
> Yahoo Customer Care
> ####
> Can somebody help me?
> --
> [image:] <>
> Emanuel Gonzalez
> Deliverability Specialist
> [image: by donweb] <>
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