Sorry I missed this - am getting less and less involved in ELNK consumer mail 
abuse/delivery these days.

We recently found an issue that was causing outbound replies from some of our 
abuse automation to end up on the floor, and it's corrected now, so give it 
another shot, and please feel free to reach out to me off-list on specific IPs 
if you're still having issues

Ditto to anyone that was missing feedback loop emails, they should be flowing 
again as well

Malcolm Staudinger
Consultant – Info Security | EIRS Operations

-----Original Message-----
From: mailop [] On Behalf Of Suresh 
Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2017 10:18 PM
To: Al Iverson <>
Cc: Michael Peddemors <>; mailop <>
Subject: Re: [mailop] Earthlink Unblock Requests

+1 to Al.  Also I thought the fun old days of obscure dnsbls run by cranks was 
long gone, I’m happy (!) to see that nothing much has changed.


> On 18-Oct-2017, at 6:39 AM, Al Iverson <> wrote:
> This is uncalled for. Casey is a very nice person who has worked in 
> the email industry for years, and many of us know him from his days at 
> Return Path.
> Regards,
> Al Iverson

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