On 2018-04-17 at 16:47 +0000, Brandon Long via mailop wrote:
> So, according to our tls folks, that cert is only served to TLS 1.3 clients
> that don't send SNI,
> so they wonder if you're using a pre-release version of OpenSSL without any
> changes.

Yes, Exim supports TLS 1.3 if GnuTLS or OpenSSL does and I'm using
OpenSSL 1.1.1-pre5 (was -pre4 at the time of the above).  This system is
one where I'm willing to run pre-production to experience breakage
before others do.  Thus threads like this one. :)

draft-ietf-tls-tls13-28 section 9.2 states:

---------------------8< draft-ietf-tls-tls13-28 >8----------------------
   In the absence of an application profile standard specifying
   otherwise, a TLS-compliant application MUST implement the following
   TLS extensions:
   -  Server Name Indication ("server_name"; Section 3 of [RFC6066])
---------------------8< draft-ietf-tls-tls13-28 >8----------------------

RFC 3207 is the closest to a profile document which SMTP MX delivery
has, since RFC 7817 explicitly excludes MX coverage.  3207 doesn't
explicitly cover SNI since it predates the earliest RFC I know of
covering SNI.  The only standards-track document I know of touching this
topic for SMTP/MX is RFC 7672 for DANE, and for the DANE case, Exim
always sends SNI.

TLS 1.3 _mandating_ SNI is "interesting" for DANE-less SMTP.

For context on my stance: I contributed the initial SNI support for a
bunch of open-source tools several years ago and I added SNI support to
Exim.  I think SNI is A Good Thing.  This issue is entirely around
_what_ to do for non-DANE TLS for MX delivery.

This morning I already changed my configuration so that in DANE-less
mode, I default to sending SNI matching the mail domain.  I can do this
because I run "no_multi_domain" on my SMTP Transports.

I'm tentatively thinking that we should change the Exim defaults here,
to be ready for TLS1.3, and default to multi_domain _disabled_ for the
SMTP Transport and default the value of tls_sni to be $domain as long as
multi_domain is disabled.

Does this seem like a reasonable approach to other postmasters, as an
MTA default?

-Phil, Exim Maintainer hat firmly on

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