Hi List

Email is sent to multiple recipients.

When for whatever reason, recipients have incompatible settings (one
wants spam to be rejected during SMTP Handshake, another one wants
spam to be tagged and delivered to his inbox as example)..

...during the 'RCTP TO' phase, we don't yet know what the result of the
mail content filter will be, so we reject the recipients with
potentially incompatible settings to the first recipient with 452 4.5.3
to force the sending MTA to open a second session for the tempfailed

We tested this with multiple MTA and it looks like MOST do behave as
expected and immediately open the next TCP session to re-transmit the
soft-failed recipients.

I believe we also tested postfix, but now we have found one postfix
instance (unfortunately the swiss government) which does not open a
new session immediately but waits for the configured backoff time.

The swiss government is sending out press releases to large numbers of
recipients and all recipients in one domain are aggregated to be sent
in one connection - good!

Unfortunately our behavior of soft-failing recipients due to
incompatible recipient's personal settings is then bound to cause
large delays of several hours until all recipients do get the email,
which causes complaints.

So based on my observation I wonder...

Upon receiving a 452 4.5.3 error, what should the sending MTA do?
Reconnect immediately and re-try the soft failed recipients as would
be done with the usual 'too many recipients' situation? Or is it
correct to wait for the backoff timer?

Is there an RFC defining the reaction to specific error codes?

What is the sending MTA exactly looking at when receiving an error
code? Only the first 452? Combination of "452 4.5.3" or even trying to
parse the text behind usually 'too many recipients' which we changed
this to 'incompatible recipient settings' and this may cause this issue?

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e   A G    -    Leiter Commerce Kunden

Zurlindenstrasse 29             Tel  +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 Pratteln                Fax  +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz                         Web  http://www.imp.ch

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